Purging unwanted stuff is good for our minds and souls. But it also benefits thrift stores like the Goodwill, where shelves right now are brimming with an unprecedented amount of treasures. And it’s all thanks to the Marie Kondo effect. Unless you’ve been living under a rock by now you’re probably familiar with this new trend. The Netflix show:“ Tidying Up With Marie Kondo,” debuted on New Year’s Day and Americans are now well on their way to living clutter free. The trend is fast emptying homes and filling up thrift stores countrywide. Does it spark joy?
Marie Kondo is a Japanese organizing consultant and best selling author of the 2014 book: “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” She helps people get rid of their clutter and opt for a minimalist lifestyle. Using her unique “Kon Mari” method, the key is to evaluate your belongings, one category at a time, hold each item in your hands, and ask if this thing sparks joy. If it does indeed “spark joy”keep it and organize it. If it doesn’t, then simply let it go. You could even play the famous Frozen song in the background as you toss stuff into your ‘purge’ pile. It may no longer spark joy for you, but thrift stores (and thrift store shoppers) will probably love it.
Social Media CrazeThis de-cluttering frenzy has inspired thousands to clean up their act and toss out unwanted and unused items –and they love sharing their journeys. Social media is packed with purging stories and photos of bulging trash bags ready for donation. Even some Goodwill stores have been (playfully) referencing the Marie Kondo effect and encouraging people to donate on Instagram. This is ideal if you want to get rid of stuff. And for those who still loves hopping, especially bargain hunting thrifters, then get thee to your local Goodwill and spend, spend, spend! You can always purge it all next year when the joy has worn off. Digital Cleaning –Marie Kondo Style
When you’re house is as spotless and sparse as a Bauhaus inspired urban loft, the next “KonMari” step is to clean up your mess in the digital realm. This means getting rid of useless emails, documents, and other files, and yes, photos. Sorry, some of those have to go. But in a recent Vogue interview, the tidying guru herself stressed these should be saved until last, as they are “often among our most sentimental digital files.”So, what are you waiting for? Get purging!
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