How to Save Water During a Drought

How to Save Water During a Drought

Some areas of the country experience drought conditions every year, which makes it important to save water during these dry spells.

A drought doesn’t only happen when an area hasn’t had rain for a few days, but when its extremely dry and has bene for several weeks in a row. When these dry conditions occur, it’s important for residents to conserve water and avoid being wasteful. If you want the water tables to return to normal after these dry times, you’ve got to do your part to avoid overusing water.

Here are a few tips to help you save water during a drought.

Inspect for and fix leaks

Do you have a running toilet that never seems to stop? Does your home have a faucet that drips all day and night long? Whether it’s a leaky faucet, a pipe with a slow drip, or a toilet that won’t stop, you need to fix the leaks right away. Repairing these leaks has two benefits: the leak is fixed, which means you’ll be using less water than before, and your water bill should lower as a result of the repaired leaks.

Shorten that time in the shower

Showers and baths can be soothing, comforting, and wonderful, but should also make you feel guilty for using extra water when you’re in a drought. One of the most important ways to save water during a drought is to cut down on the shower time and consider installing low-flow showerheads to reduce water usage during this time. Set a timer and avoid spending time under the running water when you’re not actually washing yourself.

Water collection and reuse is necessary

Drought conditions might not lead to the ability to collect water, but if you get some rain, you can have barrels ready to collect this water and reuse it. This water can be used to water your indoor plants or outdoor gardens, and it can be used to flush toilets, which helps avoid using running water to refill the tank. This isn’t the easiest thing to do, but you can figure out how to reuse your water from shows and dishwashing for other activities that can benefit from this graywater.

Prepare for the drought with the right plants

If you live in an area that experiences drought conditions every year, there’s a great way to save water. Fill your landscape with plants that are drought-tolerant and won’t need constant watering. This is a great way to reduce your water bill and conserve the water needed for other activities when the drought months arrive. This low-maintenance garden can be beautiful and doesn’t take nearly as much time for you to care for it, meaning you can spend more time enjoying the landscape.

Use mulch in your gardens

Mulch not only makes your gardens look great, but it helps to retain moister around your plants where the moisture is needed. Plants take in water through the roots, not the leaves or flowers. Because of this, you want to put mulch around your trees, shrubs, and small plants to help keep moisture where its required for the roots of your plants. This is a great way to keep your plants hydrated and give your gardens a fresh and clean look.

Only use water for the absolute essentials

Some have adopted a crude but useful saying to help save water during a drought. This saying is “If it’s yellow, let it mellow; when it’s brown, flush it down,” which simply means you don’t have to flush the toilet every time you use it. It’s also important to save water by avoiding things like washing your car or power washing your driveway or home. When you’re in a drought, water should be used for cooking, drinking, and personal hygiene., but you need to be mindful of conserving water during these activities.

Contact your water company for water-saving items

Many water companies will happily help you save water. They often provide items such as toilet dams and low-flow faucet aerators that can reduce the amount of water you use every day. These small items can make a big difference when you see your monthly water bill. Once the drought is over, you might not want to remove the water-saving devices because your water bill has dropped significantly thanks to adding them to your home.

How can you save water during a drought? These seven tips will help you avoid using water when you don’t need to. Help conserve water for your area and know that the drought is temporary, but that doesn’t mean you should become wasteful.

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